Karen Hearle, BSc Podiatry, MCPod, PhD
01743 354 388
07733 158 985


COVID-19 Safety
As a Professional Healthcare provider infection control is central to all our work
What are we doing to keep COVID-19 safe?
Podiatrists will wear: visor, gloves, apron, scrubs, FFP2/FFP3 particle filtering masks (these masks offer optimum protection from COVID-19).  

Everywhere that might be touched is cleaned with an anti-viral agent between appointments. Our cleaning policy has been updated to increase the frequency of cleaning, the clinic is deep cleaned at the beginning and end of each day.

Threshold checks
The aim is to prevent contact with anyone who has COVID-19. Therefore, before entry to premises you will have your temperature checked and asked if you have symptoms of COVID-19. In addition, on arrival you will be asked to wear a mask and alcohol gel your hands.

What can you do to keep COVID-19 safe?
Be alert to the symptoms of COVID-19
The main symptoms of COVID-19 are a high temperature (greater than 37.8 ⁰C), a persistent cough and anosmia (loss of sense of taste/smell). However, in the first few days of COVID-19 symptoms can be headache, sore throat and muscle aches; this is then followed by the typical COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough and anosmia. At Abbey Podiatry we believe the best way of keeping safe is to prevent the COVID-19 virus entering at the front door, therefore before entry we ask if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and check your temperature.

Wear a face mask or scarf over your nose and mouth.  
If you are indoors or on public transport you should wear a face covering if you cannot guarantee keeping 1 metre distance from people outside of those in your bubble. At Abbey podiatry we ask all clients to wear a face covering before entry – don’t worry if you forget, we can supply one.

Hand Washing
Regular hand washing or alcohol hand gelling is a simple but effective way of preventing the transmission of COVID-19. At Abbey Podiatry we ask you to use 70 % alcohol gel your hands on arrival and departure. Effective hand washing is a skill. 

Take a look at the following button below for best practice. 
Hand Washing
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